Celebrating the Fusion of Knowledge and Dedication of Mentors

The Franciscan College of the Immaculate Conception gathered on September 5th to celebrate the opening of Science and Mathematics Month with a theme, “Fusion of Forces: Unlocking the mind’s potential through the keys of Science and Mathematics” at the FCIC gymnasium. The event began with an opening parade to add a sense of festivity, followed by a prayer, and singing of the National Anthem, DepEd Baybay City Division: Hymn of Feats, ASEAN Hymn, and FCIC Hymn to officially mark the commencement of the culmination.

Afterward, the FCICians were treated to a delightful series of dance performances. The grade school students captivated the audience with their cute routines, meanwhile, the junior high school and senior high school dance club brought excitement to the stage and entertained everyone with a humorous and enjoyable performance. Following this, the focus shifted to the much-awaited Math and Science Trivia meticulously prepared by the Science and Mathematics Club. The exciting trivia competition was divided into challenging categories for grade school, junior high school, and senior high school students, with engaging and thought-provoking questions tailored to each level.

Shortly after, the program transitioned to the highly anticipated and surprise-filled highlight of the culmination—Teacher’s Appreciation Day. Each section from grade school and high school was asked to select two or three representatives to read heartfelt letters to their teachers. Each group presented a unique and touching way of surprising their teachers with thoughtful gifts, lively songs, and expressive poems to convey their deep gratitude. The event drew to a close with the awarding of the winners in the banner and poster-making contest. The second place was awarded to 11 STEM Sincerity, while 11 STEM Simplicity took first place. The Best in Costume awards were presented to a range of standout individuals. Sam Morillo from 9 Joy, Kristopher Bustamante from 11 HUMSS, Chlian Clair Casil from 11 Sincerity, Hammier Borela from 12 Sincerity, and Franchesca Cotiamco from 12 Simplicity.

The culmination not only celebrated the crucial role of Science and Mathematics in unlocking deeper insights and broadening intellectual horizons. It also honored the dedication and effort of teachers as mentors, recognizing their essential contributions to guiding and supporting students throughout their educational experience.
